Sunday, August 26, 2018

The Beginning of something great

Every adventure starts somewhere and this past week my final year for my #PSUAgEd19 adventure has began. It’s crazy to think that after this semester I will be in the classroom teaching students at the amazing Juniata Valley High school with Ms. Raylene Russell. I’m nervous and excited.
With this past week there was no messing around and we dove right into having to teach a lesson right out of the gate. I had to teach the locations of the Central American countries and the mottos that they had with them. I had NO idea how I was going to do it. When I got back home I was able to do some research and found an awesome video that helped me rem the countries. I give credit to this video for allowing me to easily and accurately teach the locations of the countries. If you want to watch it here it is:

It was a little nerve wracking to go up and teach because I don’t have really any formal teaching experience, however once I got up there and started teaching I gained a comfort and that comfort allowed me to gain trust in myself to deliver the lesson that I needed to from the parameters I was given and I did the absolute best that I could.
At the end of the lesson we were asked to give 2 gems and 2 opps.
My Gems:
-Speaking clearly, so students can understand what I was talking about.
-making connections so that students could remember things easier.
My opps:
-I should have allowed my students to immerse more while I was teaching.
-ask questions that involve more thought.

Throughout this semester I not only hope to work on my 
opps, but also my gems. Because even if you think you’re good at something there is ALWAYS room for improvement and I’m ready to improve in everything I do. Not only professionally, but personally as well. I also want to improve not just for me, but for my students and the people I interact with on a daily basis. I just have to keep on keeping on and take everything one step at a time... and you know what? I’m ready! #AEE412


  1. Rachel, I was excited to get to be one of your "students" and I really enjoyed your lesson! What was your favorite part of teaching this lesson?

  2. I think the best thing about your lab this past week was how you worked hard to connect concepts that the students might know to the content you were teaching that you were pretty sure that they did not know!

  3. Good beginning. Enjoy the journey.

  4. Rachel, you seem to embrace the growth mindset in your reflection of your RTL experience. You did a great job making a topic that was foreign (literally!) to your students relevant, fun, and interesting. Thanks for including the video you used to help in your lesson design!

  5. Keep up the great work Rachel, a little bit of advice from me to always keep in mind. The best learning comes from discovering the answer yourself. Always try to design lessons that can facilitate this happening. Looking forward to seeing your lessons in the coming year!
