The time has come that I started my student teaching and let me tell you the first day was a time to remember. kicking things off with a trip to FFA mid-winter convention at farm show. When we started our travels we had only one bus and we took 50 students down with us to mid-winter convention. That was one full bus. Some students were sitting 3 to a seat and no one was alone when it came to sharing a bus seat. That many students if I'm being honest gave me a little bit of anxiety to be in charge of. I was just glad that there were 2 other teachers alongside Ms. Russell and I.
When we got there and released the students I had to remind myself that they are high schoolers and they are going to be okay. I spent most of my time walking around with Ms. Russell and every once and while talk with the students that would happen to pass us by while they were walking through the complex.
Before the Mid-Winter session started I met with KP backstage and she gifted me with a bag to kick off student teaching! It was awesome and to that I say thank you very much KP!
While sitting and watching the state officers do there little skits it made me smile. They looked like they were having fun, despite probably being slightly nervous. When it came to getting the Keystone degrees There was a sense of pride in the building because these students worked so hard to get to where they are. All that was awesome, but what really gave me chills was seeing the large group of new members surrounding the arena and putting on their jackets for the first time. As a student teacher and a future advisor that moment really opens your eyes. That moment wraps everything up to the realization this is why the advisors are here. To see student grow, to seem them overcome obstacles and work their way up through the program.

Students are the future and I'm so glad that I am going into a profession to watch them grow.
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